In recognition of School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day on February 7, the Best Foot Forward…

A Challenge for Our Mayors
Local mayors are getting on board U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx’s nationwide challenge to help make roads more pedestrian and bike friendly.
Foxx has challenged local officials across the United States to improve safety for bicyclists and pedestrians over the next year. The program supports the FDOT bike/ped safety and complete streets initiative, as well as moving BFF’s message in the spotlight.
Even if cities are already focused on improving safety, there is always more than can be done and the seven challenge activities outlined in the plan provide great new ideas. The challenges include a Complete Streets approach, identifying and addressing barriers, data collection, appropriate street design, creating networks, improving walking and biking safety laws and regulations, and education and enforcement.
There is still time to join – just have your mayor or elected official sign up by March 12, 2015 by clicking here or by emailing their Team Leader’s contact information to [email protected].
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