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BFF Spreads Across America

Best Foot Forward is creating a stir all the way up the east coast, from Miami to Boston.  Praise and acknowledgement from ER professionals, reporters, transportation planning organizations and change-makers in Tallahassee are flooding our social media channels.   To…

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Feet Not Fuel

When is the last time your child walked or biked to school? The Space Coast Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) from Brevard County has rolled out the Feet Not Fuel Program, using technology to promote Safe Routes to Schools. The website…

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Enforcement is Now in Session!

Attention drivers: today and tomorrow the Orlando Police Department and Orange County Sheriff’s Office will be enforcing the pedestrian yield law around Orange County to the tune of a $164 fine.  That’s what it will cost you if you fail…

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Beat the Parking Lot Blues: Walk to Shop

Anyone familiar with Central Florida’s busiest shopping centers are used to this scene: cramped spaces and tight turns, disorganized layouts, and general madness. Sound anything like your typical trip to Waterford Lakes? Or, what about the new Trader Joe's in…

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