In recognition of School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day on February 7, the Best Foot Forward…

BFF Coalition Recognized Nationally
National rankings means national coverage. Orlando was no exception – from the Washington Post and USA Today to the Huffington Post – reporting the #1 ranking in preventable pedestrian deaths by the Dangerous by Design report.
What was different this time? Best Foot Forward was recognized as the only pedestrian safety coalition in the state – possibly country – of local and county governments, elected officials, police enforcement, public schools, transit, MetroPlan, the Level-One Trauma center, bike shops, non-profits and health foundations – working together with one purpose and in one voice — improve yield rates and cut ped crashes in half in five years. Because of this, BFF was featured on NPR All Things Considered, invited to present to 1,000+ via a Smart Growth America webinar and quoted in state news.
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