In recognition of School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day on February 7, the Best Foot Forward…

Operation Best Foot Forward Results: 161 Citations & 98 Warnings
School is out. And, this means more than 100,000 Orange County students are on summer break – playing outside, biking through neighborhoods or just having fun. In June, Orange County Sherriff’s Office (OCSO) and Orlando Police Department (OPD) focused their efforts on ped safety, reminding drivers they must yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk. If not, they could be charged with failure to yield – $164 ticket and 3-points on their license.
Dubbed Operation Best Foot Forward, OPD and OCSO enforced ten
crosswalks, issuing a total of 98 warnings and 161 tickets over three days. This is the seventh high visibility enforcement since Best Foot Forward (BFF) launched in June 2012. The good news is more drivers are complying and the number of citations are decreasing. Look no further than the Orlando Urban Trail crosswalk on Virginia Drive – three citations in one hour and driver yield rates nearing 70%.
Unfortunately, this is not the case for the mid-block crossing at S. Conway Rd at Hargill Dr – 41 citations in one hour and only 3.8% of drivers yield. There is much more work to do. As one resident recently stated – “Road safety is everyone’s responsibility — drivers cannot operate with a sense of entitlement with a ‘me first’ attitude, nor can pedestrians.” Next Operation BFF is scheduled for August – just in time for school.
To see more photos click here.
Media Coverage:
The Daily City – Plain Clothes officers Will Ticket You $164 Wednesday and Thursday for Not Yielding to Pedestrians
Bungalower – OPD Enforcing Pedestrian Crossings This Week
WKMG – ORD (CBS) – Local 6: morning News @ 6 a.m.
WKMG – ORD (CBS) – CBS This Morning
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