Smart Growth America recently released its biennial Dangerous by Design report, which continues to rank…

MetroPlan Orlando reports bike/ped injuries and fatalities still on the rise
MetroPlan Orlando has released its latest pedestrian and bicyclist crash trends report for the tri-county area (Orange County, Osceola County and Seminole County). The report reviewed injury and fatality crash data between 2007 and 2015.
Some good news. MetroPlan Orlando reports bike/ped-related crashes are increasing less near Downtown Orlando. But overall – not only are more and more people walking and biking getting hit and injured – but the types of injuries are getting worse, according to MetroPlan.
Here’s a breakdown of some crash trends reported by MetroPlan Orlando:
Bike/ped injuries and fatalities continue to trend upward.
- 19% increase for people walking
- 48% increase for people biking
More people walking and biking are getting severely injured.
- 39% increase for people walking
- 106% increase for people biking
Crashes involving people walking and biking are increasing less near Downtown Orlando.
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