In recognition of School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day on February 7, the Best Foot Forward…

Observations From a First-Time BFF
Who knew that one of the biggest tourist destinations is also one of the most dangerous places for peds?
My name is Dana Harris and I’m the newest BFF here at Best Foot Forward. I moved to Orlando from Michigan six months ago and was struck by the daily news reports about ped and car collisions.
But after participating in the “Crosswalk Crackdown” with OPD and OCSO, I better understand the challenges we all face navigating these roads.
Looking out for the peds. There were so many cars that would zoom right by Orlando Police Sgt. Richard Ruth, who was clearly one-or-two steps already into the crosswalk, without even a flicker of a break light. Where I grew up in rural Northern Michigan, we instinctively scanned the shoulder of the road for a deer that might jump out into the middle of the road. Drivers weren’t showing that kind of caution with a human life just mere feet away from them.
Honking at peds. Prime example would be the driver turning right onto West Colonial Drive from Orange Blossom Trail who blew her horn at Sgt. Ruth as he crossed in a marked crosswalk. Yeah, she was pulled over.
People do care. OPD and OCSO were thanked by several residents – like one woman who stopped her car to suggest fixes that could make the street safer. It’s quite reaffirming that people do care about their neighborhoods – I mean, I certainly do.
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