In recognition of School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day on February 7, the Best Foot Forward…

OCPS Students Win Statewide Poster Contest Promoting Safe Walking and Biking

Bike/Walk Central Florida and partner University of Miami’s WalkSafe presented awards for the state poster contest winners before Orange County Public School (OCPS) Board Members. Three Dommerich Elementary students, Sydney Young, Lauren Yohe and Max Griffin, swept the awards for Orange County.
The school board chambers were filled to capacity with board members, students, parents, principals and teachers, attending for various recognitions and the meeting. BWCF was able to deliver to this captive audience a message of the pedestrian safety problem Central Florida faces and how Best Foot Forward is approaching it with our partners OCPS, WalkSafe, Florida Hospital’s Healthy Central Florida, Orange County and Orlando governments and law enforcement.

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