In recognition of School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day on February 7, the Best Foot Forward…

Operation Best Foot Forward: It only takes one ticket
Operation Best Foot Forward is about changing behaviors of both drivers and walkers. Look no further than the story that ran on WKMG about Orlando Police Department (OPD) and Orange County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO) June’s “crosswalk crackdown.” Here was a man who received a $164 citation for failing to yield at Conway Road and Hargill Drive a year ago. Now, he’s on camera, with his son, talking about the law and reminding viewers to look out for each other. So, how many lives were changed during June’s high-visibility enforcement action? Try 134 drivers — 113 citations and 21 warnings – at 10 crosswalks within the City of Orlando and Orange County.
Speaking of warnings, local media was out in full-force – especially WKMG’s Lisa Bell who reported her trials and tribulations crossing Edgewater Drive with an empty baby stroller. Let’s just say, drivers going 25 mph rarely stopped for the mom. The question that surfaces is what does this say about you, me, and all local residents? Is it our ‘go go go’ culture that forces us not to ‘stop stop stop’ until it’s too late?
Because of this drivers vs walkers mentality, Operation BFF garners significant coverage. And, thankfully so! Because it spreads the word and reminds all of us the law. All TV crews — WESH, WFTV/WRDQ, WKMG – plus 104.1 Monsters in the Morning, WDBO, Bungalower and Orlando Sentinel covered Operation BFF, estimated at $130,000 in earned media value. This is the estimated cost to advertise on those stations.
The report below includes:
- TV media clips from WESH, WKMG, WRDQ
- Print and digital media from Orlando Sentinel, Bungalower
- Radio clips from Monsters in the Morning and WDBO
- Social media engagement — Best Foot Forward and Bike/Walk Central Florida
- 206k impressions over two days (06/11 – 06/12)
- 6,058 of warning/tickets to date
- The location of crosswalks in June’s Operation BFF
- Anderson Street and Orange Avenue
- Lake Underhill Road and Palmer Street
- Pine Hills Road and El Trio Way
- Waterford Lakes Parkway and Coquina Rock Street
- Turkey Lake Road and Cane Hills Circle
- Landstar Boulevard and Misley Drive
- Universal Boulevard and Rosen Hospitality College
- Conway Road and Hargill Drive
- Mercy Drive and Kalwit Lane
- Kirkman Road and Major Boulevard
Check out some of our great photos from enforcement here on our Flickr page. Also, you can watch some of the awesome media coverage on our YouTube channel.
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