In recognition of School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day on February 7, the Best Foot Forward…

Operation BFF a Social Success
This morning dozens of local police officers and sheriff’s deputies hit the streets for the year’s first Operation Best Foot Forward. It’s just one part of BFF’s mission to make the streets of Central Florida safer for both drivers and walkers. One of the goals of a high-visibility enforcement, or Crosswalk Crackdown, is to educate drivers about Florida law– you have to stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk. Thanks to all our parters in the BFF Coalition and the media for spreading the word!
Consider yourself warned
— Racquel Asa (@RAsaWFTV) March 20, 2019
Stop for pedestrians; it’s the law! See our photos from this morning’s @BestFootOrlando enforcement operation with @OrangeCoSheriff at Alafaya & University, near @UCF:
— MetroPlan Orlando (@MetroPlan_Orl) March 20, 2019
During Operation BFF, law enforcement works in small teams. A plainclothes deputy, or “decoy”, walks across a marked crosswalk. He checks to see which drivers don’t stop like Florida law requires, then he radios to his uniformed partners who pull drivers over and hand out $164 citations.
Our deputies are hard at work enforcing driver yield laws. Yield to pedestrians or get pulled over. Let’s look out for our pedestrians! #CrosswalkCrackdown #iY4Peds #OperationBFF
— Orange County Sheriff’s Office (@OrangeCoSheriff) March 20, 2019
The law is clear. Drivers in Florida must yield, slow down or stop for a pedestrian crossing the road within a crosswalk.
— News 6 WKMG (@news6wkmg) March 20, 2019
Best Foot Forward works with city planners, engineers and law enforcement to decide which crosswalks need an enforcement action. Then our team of data collectors scouts out potential locations. They track driver yield rates, make sure it’s safe for the decoy, and there’s a safe place to pull drivers over. This time, we were at lots of crosswalks near schools, or a local college.
We’ve been monitoring yield rates at Pine Hills Rd & El Trio Way for 7 yrs – and even though they’ve have improved, we still have a lot of work to do. Thx to @OrangeCoSheriff deputies for enforcing the law – they gave out 11 ped violation tix today during #OperationBFF #iY4Peds
— Best Foot Forward (@BestFootOrlando) March 20, 2019
#OperationBFF is happening today! @OrlandoPolice and @OrangeCoSheriff are cracking down at crosswalks across the county. See a pedestrian in a crosswalk, stop for them. 🚸 Not doing so will cost you. Details: #iY4Peds
— Orange County FL (@OrangeCoFL) March 20, 2019
Operation Best Foot Forward @BestFootOrlando is underway. When driving, please be mindful of pedestrians and crosswalks. Pedestrian safety is a top priority for @OrlandoPolice.
— Orlando Police (@OrlandoPolice) March 20, 2019
Because our partners helped spread the word, we’re pretty sure more drivers paid attention and stopped for pedestrians in marked crosswalks today… at least we hope so.
Here’s your warning, BUT — everyone should yield for pedestrians every single day regardless. #ItsTheLaw
— Hadas Brown (@HadasBrownWESH) March 20, 2019
Thanks @RyanMHarper13 for reminding drivers to yield for peds at University Blvd & Alafaya Dr – a high-speed, busy intersection with lots of students crossing to get to @ucf #OperationBFF #iY4Peds @MyNews13 @MyNews13Traffic
— Best Foot Forward (@BestFootOrlando) March 20, 2019
Thanks for coming out @news6wkmg and @MetroPlan_Orl to witness @OrangeCoSheriff making the streets safer for @UCF students getting to and from campus. #OperationBFF #iY4Peds
— Best Foot Forward (@BestFootOrlando) March 20, 2019
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