Smart Growth America recently released its biennial Dangerous by Design report, which continues to rank…

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer crosses the street blindfolded
To raise awareness for the White Cane Law
Imagine crossing the street and not being able to see anything? This scenario is a daily struggle for many Orlando residents who are visually impaired. That’s why Lighthouse Central Florida and the Greater Orlando Chapter of the Blind celebrated White Cane Safety Day on October 15, so seeing people can experience what life is like for the visually impaired. The goal is to remind drivers that persons using white canes or guide dogs always have the right of way on city streets. Attendees got the chance to experience crossing the street with blindfolds, and Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer even got in on the action.
Check out MetroPlan Orlando’s photo album and WKMG Local 6’s coverage of the 2015 White Cane and Guide Dog Safety event.
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