In August 2024, Best Foot Forward (BFF) launched a series of sign-waving campaigns across Brevard,…

Shop on and Show Your Support
Want to help create safer conditions for walkers? Shop regularly on Perfect.
Every time you buy something on, you will be contributing to Bike/Walk Central Florida, program administrator of Best Foot Forward, in the form of a small donation.
Amazon Smile allows shoppers to donate a portion of their purchase to a nonprofit organization of their choice.
All you need to do is register for Amazon Smile, opt in to donate to BWCF and shop! will give BWCF money (0.5% of any purchase) each time you buy something. Every little bit helps us in continuing to advocate for people who bike and walk in Central Florida.
See the steps for registering below:
1). Go to and enter your log-in information OR create an account if you do not already have one. (It is the same information you use for

2). Enter “Bike/Walk Central Florida” as the charitable organization you would like your donation to go to.

3). Select Bike/Walk Central Florida.

4) “Bike/Walk Central Florida” should appear in the upper left-hand corner of your screen.

5). Begin your online shopping at for your donation to be directed to Bike/Walk Central Florida! Once you’ve chosen Bike/Walk Central Florida as the organization you’d like to donate to, everything else functions exactly the same as

You can put a smile on everyone’s face by shopping on for all of your purchases!
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