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Walking and biking on Oak Ridge Rd.

Residents living around Oak Ridge Road between Millenia Boulevard and Orange Blossom Trail (US 441) may be getting a make-over -- a "concrete" make-over where sidewalks get fatter, roads skinnier and medians wide enough for bicycles, wheelchairs, and strollers. This…

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Defensive Walking vs. Distracted Walking

Here’s the question: Should people who are walking maintain the same degree of focus we expect of drivers? Let's put it to the test. In this corner, we've got: the data. Researchers have found that texting changes the way we…

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Walkability Expert Jeff Speck Visits Orlando

Lose weight, save money, help the environment. Those are some of the major benefits of walking, according to city planner, urban designer and author Jeff Speck, who recently spoke in Orlando. Walkability is key to getting people out of their cars…

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